Preview - Evolution Of Populations

Designing an experiment using the model

In the previous lesson, you experimented with the concept of predation. In other words, you investigated how the mice being eaten by predators affected the population of mice differently in different types of environments. In nature, some individuals with certain traits (like fur color) have better fitness to survive and create offspring that can inherit those traits. In the case of our models, mice with certain phenotypes might have a advantage over other mice in different environmental conditions. Traits that gives an advantage would get passed to the next generation. As these traits are passed from each generation to the next, this process causes populations to change over time. We call these sorts of changes in populations natural selection. 



Please answer the questions below.

Come up with a question about natural selection in case of the pocket mice which can be answered using this model.

One example of a question that could be answered using the model: If we introduce a mutant (with a dark-fur-coat) in a population of mice with light-fur-coats that are living in a mixed background environment, how will to population change after 500 generations? 

Based on your earlier exploration of the model, try to guess the answer to your question and state it in the form of a testable statement (hypothesis) - something that you can test using the model.

Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. Explain your design.


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